blog change

Hello! This blog used to be called Muslins and Musings, but now we're on a new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Stitch Block Cowl

For whatever reason, I usually don't knit or crochet at all during the spring and summer, so curling up with a yarn project again always feels extra autumn-y to me. 

The first project I picked this year was the Stitch Block Cowl by The Purl Bee. If I went into much detail describing the making, this post would probably turn into more of a rather frustrated rant than a description, so I'll keep it simple.

I was planning on picking up some wool at the fabric store for this project, but then I found the exact colours that I wanted at the thrift store for just $8 (and I've got lots left over). It is a pretty cheap polyester kind, so it is not the nicest looking or super soft, but I still like it. One day I may make one in nice wool.
This cowl took a loooong time. I started it the first week of school. I don't have a ton of spare time, and I am not the fastest knitter, but still it was a long time. There are also quite a lot of mistakes. The stitches themselves were quite easy, but I (believe it or not) screwed up quite a few times, and sometimes screwed up even more when I was trying to fix something. I also didn't undo any of the mistakes because I wasn't sure I would be able to pick up the stitches in the knit below the rows.

I think it is quite a testament to the beauty of this pattern that even with the imperfections is it still beautiful and I love it. The only problem I have with the design is that the Rambler pattern (all white) and the English Rose Tweed (all three colours) roll at the edges-but the Checked Rose pattern (white and yellow) doesn't.

A few other yarn projects I'm hoping to make this fall/winter are:
-mittens //inspo//
-this speckled hat from Frolic
-a laptop sleeve
-these socks (Purl Bee theme today apparently)
-my first knit/crochet sweater. I'm thinking either this one or this one.
I also may or may not have a couple of Christmas presents on the list ;)

What are your yarn plans for the season?


  1. Lovely! I've actually been hoping to tackle this exact project for a little while, so I'm glad to hear that the stitches are actually pretty easy - when Purl Bee says it's easy, I have to take that advice with a grain of salt because I've only just started knitting. I'm wondering if a small garter stitch border might look ok with the two patterns to stop the edge from rolling?

    You have some very ambitious and fun yarn plans for the upcoming months! I'm excited to see your finished objects! I am also hoping to make a sweater this winter, but I can't seem to decide on a pattern!

    1. I hope you do try! I'm fairly new to knitting as well and found it a good challenge of learning something new but not challenging enough to be no fun :) There is a one garter stitch border along the whole thing, but you're right a slightly wider one might prevent more rolling.
      I'm having trouble deciding on a sweater pattern too, and I know that once I decide on one it'll then take me ages to decide on yarn/colour. I can't win!
