blog change

Hello! This blog used to be called Muslins and Musings, but now we're on a new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

two cozy scarfs

So I have this scarf-

It was a gift from someone to someone-not me I don't think, but in my house the rule is if its cozy and soft and cuddly then it automatically belongs to me (at least in my mind). Affectionately I dubbed this scarf Lenny. Lenny is made of black plushy material (after a search, it would appear to be called 'minky'), and you could find scratchier butter than this stuff. So the fabric is perfect. The problem is the amount of it.
Lenny is approximately 2.5 meters long (close to 3 yards), and over a foot wide. It's heavy. This scarf can only be worn for any length of time while in a seated reclining position, otherwise your neck and shoulders begin to ache. In addition, its difficult to work on anything in your lap like knitting or reading, because your lap can't really be seen over this massive thing.
So I wanted to make a slightly more every-day friendly version.

It doesn't really show in this picture, but this scarf is made out of a beautiful deep jewel green-Fabricland was out of black, and the other options were rather obnoxiously bright. It's much shorter, and a bit slimmer as well. I also decided to make it an infinity scarf because I get frustrated dealing with the ends of scarfs. This one is equally soft and cozy, but extended wear will not require future physio treatment.

And that's my random little sewing tale for the day. Thanks for reading!

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