blog change

Hello! This blog used to be called Muslins and Musings, but now we're on a new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


You know what I just love?

The beach.
I really, really love the beach, and the past few weeks I have been feeling extra lucky that I get to live on one.
I love the sandy beach and the rocky beach, I love the beach when its cloudy and I love it in the sunlight. I love walking on the beach with someone beside me and I love walking (in a much more meandering fashion) by myself on the beach, daydreaming and maybe singing a little. I love finding treasures on the beach, and there is even a bit of loving the beach when I accidentally wade in right over the tops of my boots.

Yesterday I loved the beach and the big waves, today I loved it just as much when the sea was still save for raindrop ripples. Upon realizing this little twist I (in a verging on cliché manner) decided that this loving of both wild and calm could probably be applied to life off the beach as well.
And I love that.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I love the beach too both on the beach and off the beach. Your post makes me love it that much more. Thanks!
