blog change

Hello! This blog used to be called Muslins and Musings, but now we're on a new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

2015 sewing goals

Yep-I'm posting twice today. I probably will tomorrow as well, and maybe over the weekend. The sad truth is my holidays are coming to an end (sob) and next week I will be back in school, so I am doing my best to make the best of my remaining freedom. It's a bit of a bummer because I feel like I am finally getting into the groove of the holiday (i.e. I no longer walk around all day going "what do I do with all this free time?!"), but luckily I am not dreading classes starting back up- I am excited for my new classes, and I'll also get to see the hottie from my World Mythology class again.

the last sunset of 2014

I wrote a long rambly personal post about my sewing, but have decided to ditch that in favour of a simpler one focusing less on bad feelings about the past and more about excitement for the coming year. What I was getting at in the other post is basically that I realized that having been sewing for this long (8 years), I probably could have been a lot better at it that I am currently.
I was surprised however to find that rather than getting me down, realizing this has made me motivated and excited for all the sewing the future holds! So, the goals:

1) Sew or do something sewing related every day. This one intimidates me a little. And I'll be honest while I will do my best, I'm not going to lose sleep about it. But sewing is my Mr. Darcy (at least as far as I've found), and you've got to keep your Mr. Darcy's in priority-even if it is just 5 or 10 minutes of sketching or something (I haven't figured out whether my conscience will allow browsing Pinterest to count or not).

2) Expand my technical knowledge. Although it was quite clear to me once, I can't really explain why I chose this as a goal. I guess its kind of because I know how to now, but I also want to know why. I'm mainly talking fabric knowledge and fitting. Before I really started reading sewing blogs, I just sewed things straight up and if there was anything hugely wrong with the fit at the end, I fixed it after. Now I see people making tons of teeny little adjustments here and there and it occasionally makes me worry that I've been sewing ill-fitting clothes this whole time. Which probably isn't entirely true, but still, if I am going to put the effort into making my own clothes, then I want them to fit me. In other words, what is a full bust adjustment, and will my lack of a full bust save me from this apparently horrendous operation?

3) Don't buy any clothes for one year. This one also intimidates me. And I'll be honest again that I am going to see how it goes and re-assess at my birthday (half way through the year). I'm not entirely sure what I will gain from this- it probably won't save me money. I figure it will just help to shift the focus solely onto my handmade clothes, and hopefully get me much closer to my longer term goal of having a mainly me-made wardrobe.

4) Improve. This one is kind of obvious as for the why and how. In order to make it a little less vague and intimidating, I have decided to make at least 6 (approximately one every two months) more challenging projects that will *hopefully* force me to improve. So far they are: a button-up shirt, jeans, a coat, and an underwire bra. Subject to change. The others I'll figure out when I come to them.

5) Play. This goal isn't as fleshed out, I just felt like I needed one more to have a nice round 5 goals. And thats it really-play. Make something even if it's a bit ridiculous. Make something even if I'm not sure I'll wear it, because hey, the end product is only part of the reason I sew. Make things even if they might not work out. Try something new.

So those are the goals. I'm not sure if they are a little ambitious or not. I get super sentimental and excited for new things and goals around the new year, and I pretty much always bite off more than I can chew.

I hope you all had a fun and safe new years! I stayed up until midnight, but by "stayed up" I mean I spent the last hour or so lying on my bed half asleep daydreaming about fabric, got up for the countdown and watched my brother realize champagne is not as good as it's made out to be, did 85 squats, then, satisfied about starting the new year with something good behind me (hehehe), I hit the hay at about 12:07.
Warmest wishes to you all for the coming year!

the first sunrise of 2015

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