blog change

Hello! This blog used to be called Muslins and Musings, but now we're on a new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

this took forever

One of the other things I'd been meaning to get around to for a long while was finishing these darn socks; a pair I'd been working on long enough to be promoted from just 'socks', to 'darn socks!'


I started them last Thanksgiving (Canadian Thanksgiving that is, so early October), and finished them mid-August. I was not consistantly working on them, but they were certainly a marathon project if I ever knew one. 

It's been long enough now that I don't really remember my original motivation for making them, other than that when my Grandmother passed away a few years ago I received her yarn, including a small sweaters worth of this green fingering weight yarn, and I was wanting a pair of socks thin enough that I could wear them out; my previous ones all thick, half slipper, half socks. I'm not sure I'll ever even wear these though, just frame them and pass them on to my own grandchildren to explain why granny was cross-eyed and slightly crazy (or possibly the other way around). 

I'm thinking I'd like to continue project of poems about knitted socks, but for now, here are the details:

Pattern: Fireweeds by Yvette Noel, size large
Yarn: Green- Lady Galt Kroy (looks ancient and probably not available anymore)
          Blue- Drops Fabel Uni Colour 107
Notes: -first time doing an eye of partridge heel (so pretty!).
-the colourwork miraculously fine except for the final 3 rows of the second sock, of course.
-the second sock ended up a lot tighter for some reason. Thank every god there is it does still fit, but it takes a good minute or two to carefully ease it over the heel.
-I don't own sock blockers so I semi-blocked them by spraying water on them while they were on and then blow-drying them for a while (just like my great ancestors used to do), but I don't think it really did much except make them fluffier.

While knitting these, I did occasionally think that I may never knit another pair of socks. The day before I finished them, I bought more sock yarn. And so it begins again!

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