blog change

Hello! This blog used to be called Muslins and Musings, but now we're on a new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, 9 January 2016

2015 goal review

In continuation from the original post, here is a New Years sunset photo to enjoy with my reflections on my 2015 sewing goals. This was the first sunset of 2016.

1) Sew or do something sewing related every day. Did I sew every day? Hahahahaha nope. Whether I did something sewing related everyday or not is a little harder to track, but the point of this resolution was to sew more than in the previous couple years and I definitely did that, so I'm calling it a success. (Although I stopped keeping track towards the end of the year, I think I came in around 45 makes, so not too shabby)

2) Expand my technical knowledge. This resolution was a bit of a flop. Prior to 2015, the reason I didn't have that knowledge was because it was boring compared to the actual act of sewing, and that held mostly true for 2015 as well. I learned (and continue to learn) a lot from Seamwork magazine though, and I started to at least pay more attention to the technical side of my makes, so I think I'm on the right track.

3) Don't buy any clothes for one year. This was the big one, and I didn't make it. In the Fall after I moved to the city I had The Great Wardrobe Crisis of 2015, and I bought some clothes. I have come to realize that part of the reason I sewed was because, living in a rural community, the cool clothes I wanted weren't available. In the city, all of a sudden the cool clothes were right there in stores I walked past every day and I did not have to work for hours at making them for myself. I'm pleased though that after The Great Wardrobe Crisis of 2015 had mostly passed, I naturally began to trend back to making my own things rather than buying them, and still have the long term goal of a mostly me-made closet.

4) Improve. I only ended up making 3/6 of my intended "more challenging projects" (I got held up because after Albion I felt barely capable of making pillow cases for a couple of weeks), but I still think I definitely improved, and even with projects that were more simple, I took a lot more time to make neat, quality pieces, so I think I did okay on this resolution.

The end of the year snuck up on me this season, so I didn't get much enthusiastic and obsessive goal planning in. Although I want to make a project list or two that I'll probably share later, I don't really feel like doing the full resolution thing again (and to be honest I forgot about them most of the time anyways), but I do have a couple of resolution/hope/goal/intention things for this year.

~This year I am going to start my business. Phew. There. I said it. I've wanted to have one since I was 12, and I'm ready to make it happen. I don't know what it'll quite look like, and maybe my only customer will be my mom (#1 fan– Hi Mom!), but I'm gonna do it.

~ I'd like to post here more often, and I'd kind of like to change things up as well; to write about some different things. That was kind of the original vision for this space, but I got a bit stuck into thinking that because I wrote about sewing, it had to be A Sewing Blog, and follow the lead of all the other sewing blogs out there. I'm still totally a sewing blog junkie, but I had the super "duh" moment that it's my blog so I can blog about whatever I want to blog about. I enjoy blogging, but sometimes it feels a little boring because of the way I feel like I need to write about what I make, and although a friend made me a bit nervous last year when they mentioned that they like a blog to be about one specific thing so that you know what you're going to get, I think as well that it is obvious and makes a great blog when the blogger is super into it, and I am super into things in addition to sewing. That felt so rambly that I'm afraid to even proofread it, but there it is, we'll see how it goes.

I do have one more resolution for this year, but it may prove to be a rather extensive subject, so I'm going to write about it in a separate post.

Happy 2016 and have a great weekend!

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