blog change

Hello! This blog used to be called Muslins and Musings, but now we're on a new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


My last resolution for 2015 was 'play' ("Make something even if it's a bit ridiculous. Make something even if I'm not sure I'll wear it, because hey, the end product is only part of the reason I sew. Make things even if they might not work out. Try something new."), and unlike the varying success of the other resolutions, this one was definitely a fail. Forget playing more, I played even less than previous years. 
It seemed like minimalism was everywhere in 2015 (irony?), and the focus that was being put on having a perfectly curated, minimal wardrobe that matched your true style exactly, created a lot of pressure (I found) that everything I made needed to be a piece that matched everything in my wardrobe and would be loved for years to come. (A nice idea, but nearly impossible and leaving no room to play!)
At the same time, there was a lot less playing in my day-to-day dressing, as the result of a number of factors (money, work, no work, self confidence, etc.). Putting together an outfit everyday became a hassle, or even boring. As a lover of clothes and fashion, it is fairly depressing to be uninspired by your own style.

(This jacket made by a local designer was given to me as a hand-me-down over the winter. It's a more unique statement piece than I'm usually comfortable with, but it's so darn beautiful (and comfy!) I can't resist, and I'm excited that it is getting warm enough to play around wearing! Luckily it looks great with a plain black outfit. No need to go too overboard with the playing, amiright? #greyscalewardrobeforever)

So I am going to give playing another go this year, both in sewing and getting dressed, hopefully resulting in a little (or a lot!) more joy and inspiration in what I love most. 

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